Sielco Sistemi is pleased to announce that the new version 3.02 of SCADA software Winlog Pro is now available.
New version 3.02 allows you to develop Web Server applications that can be accessed by Internet Clients with a simple browser. Two different solutions are provided: Web Client solution to access the Server from fix devices supporting Java technology, and Smart Client solution to access the Server from mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets equipped with iOS, Android or Windows Phone.
Winlog Web Client allows you to connect to a Winlog Server application from any device which supports Java technology and is equipped with a web browser. By this way you can monitor and control remote plants and production processes, thus resulting in a dramatic reduction of maintenance costs. Winlog Web Server takes advantage of the characteristics of Java language to provide an encrypted TCP link between remote Internet Clients and a Winlog Server. Thanks to the Java Web Start technology, the remote user can access to plant information by simply linking to the Winlog Web Server installed on the main supervisory station (Server). By entering the specific address (IP or hostname) into the address bar of a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome...), you will see the home page from which to request the download and automatic launch of the Winlog Web Client application.
A special development tool allows you to turn a Winlog application into a Winlog Web Server application and to create a Winlog Web Client application that can access the Server. Data from the Server can be displayed and set through a subset of graphical objects including Frame, Group Box, Label, Button, UpDown, Edit Box, BkBitmap, Bitmap, Switch, Check Box, Radio Button, Combo Box, Led, Gauge, StatusBar, Chart, Historical Alarm/Event View. Several Clients can connect simultaneously to the same Server. From Winlog Server you can define which users are allowed to access (with username and password) via Web Client and assign to each of them the proper access level. The Java Client application ensures a continuous update of data read from the Server throughout the whole observation period. CSV and PDF reports created by Winlog Pro can be deployed in a special folder in the HTTP Server public area and then downloaded by remote browsers.
Winlog Smart Client allows you to connect to a Winlog Server application through all popular mobile devices (iOS, Android, Windows Phone), in order to provide monitoring and control of remote plants and production processes. Winlog Smart Client takes advantage of the characteristics of JavaScript language to provide an encrypted TCP connection between remote Clients and Winlog Server. Thanks to an interface developed using the latest technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3), the user can access to plant information from a smartphone or tablet, by directly connecting to the Winlog Server application installed on the supervisory station. By entering the specific address (IP or hostname) into the address bar of a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari...), you will see the home page from which to access the Server application.
Smart App Builder is the visual development tool for the quick creation of web applications (Smart Apps) that allow mobile devices (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) to interact with the Server application, in order to monitor and modify the variable values of the supervisory process (SCADA). The structure of a Smart App consists of a menu composed of categories (eg. physical or logical groupings) and their items and sub-items which include process variables; browsing through the items is similar to that provided by all popular mobile devices. Several Clients can simultaneously connect to the same Server. From Winlog Server you can define which users are allowed to access (with username and password) via Smart Client and assign to each of them the proper access level. CSV and PDF reports created by Winlog Pro can be deployed in a special folder in the HTTP Server public area and then downloaded by remote browsers.
https://www.sielcosistemi.com/en/produc ... ebdemo.php