Winlog Pro provides communication with almost all available automation devices (PLCs, controllers, indicators, counters, motor drives, etc.) thanks to the availability of an extensive catalogue of drivers and of a standard OPC Client interface; both communication drivers and OPC Client interface are included in the standard Winlog Pro package.
OPC (OLE for Process Control) is an industrial standard, created by main worldwide leading automation manufacturers, that allows data exchange between different software components without need of any special adjustment.
OPC Client driver supports data access (DA) to OPC servers DA 1.0 and 2.0; it can interface both local OPC Servers (through COM objects) and remote OPC Servers (through DCOM objects) located on different PCs linked via a local network.
The following manuals includes all available communication drivers; other drivers, not included in the present catalogue, can be supplied on request or developed under customer specification.
Protocols - English Manual
Protocolli - Manuale Italiano