Modbus TCP INT64 bit variable

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Modbus TCP INT64 bit variable

Post by manutenzioneinfra »

Hi, i would like to know if there is a solution to read a variable integer 64 bit in modbus tcp protocol. I have this problem with Schneider Power Tag attached you can see the address table, in example the address is the 3203.

Lorenzo Ricci
Schneider power tag address table
Schneider power tag address table
Address Table Schneider power tag.jpg (159.25 KiB) Viewed 9311 times
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Re: Modbus TCP INT64 bit variable

Post by admin »

for the float format there is the function to directly read the register to 4 words. For the int format instead you can read it as 2 int32 (2 x 2 register) and through the Winlog code insert the value in a DOUBLE gate.

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Re: Modbus TCP INT64 bit variable

Post by manutenzioneinfra »

thanks, there is something that for me it's not completely clear, which kind of function is to read a float in 4 word? i have to use the modbus function 38:? I have tried to read with the all the function 32 bit 33:/35:/37: the address 3203 but the variable are in errore, it works only with the codes for 64 bit.
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