Winlog Evo SCADA 4.0.13

Winlog SCADA Software release history
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Winlog Evo SCADA 4.0.13

Post by WinlogNews »


New features
  • WebClient: Add support to adaptive template: templates can be defined in order to fit the browser window.
  • WebClient: Add support to TabSheet, OnlineAlarmsView and OperatorView components.
  • WebClient: Add support to properties Cursor, OnDblClick and FnKey.
  • WebClient: Class values in HistoricalEventsView and in OnlineAlarmsView can be filtered by a gate.
  • Template objects: HistoricalView - introduced the possibility of specifying, in the format for displaying the value, the character "*" instead of the number of decimals to be displayed.
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 3E frame: Added new communication protocol for Mitsubishi PLC IQ-R series
  • Protocol Sartorius balance: Added new communication protocol for Sartorius balance
  • Template objects: In Runtime, added support for SVG as background images of templates.
Bug fixes
  • WebClient: Publication of Web Client may fail to export some fonts used in web templates.
  • Template objects: HistoricalView - the chronological order of the historical records belonging to the same second is reversed.
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 1E frame: Numeric gates block reading error in case of Double variables
  • Protocol Mitsubishi Melsec 1E frame: Error checking numeric gates in block in case of Double variables .
  • SmartApp: Filters on events/alarms are not working properly.
  • Sharing protocol OPC UA Server: Writing to a digital gate by an OPC UA client does not work.
  • Template objects: Fixed OnClick actions of the OnlineView object.
  • Virtual keyboard: With a keyboard layout other than English or Italian, the character "." is not sent correctly.
Performance improvements
  • WebClient: Improve tabular components performance in presence of an high number (1000+) of entries.
  • Gate Builder: Modified verification of correctness of event gates and elimination of autocomplete text in ComboBoxes
Full version history available here.
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